Winter wraps me in a heavy blanket and takes me to her lair.  Inside I am struck with grief and the blanket around my shoulders suddenly feels heavier.  Do I fight my way from underneath or do I surrender to its ways?

Seasons, grief, both necessary and unavoidable.  I can try to hide, but they will find me.  I can try to leave but they will follow me.  

I choose to acknowledge that there is someone else in this cave with me.  A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.  We sit together.  I share my heart and He listens.  I realize I no longer feel the weight, just warmth and peace.  As I look into the love that pours from His eyes, I see the weight I once felt on His shoulders.  But it doesn’t look heavy for Him.  He smiles and my heart melts within me.

He moves in closer.  Just the look in his eyes says, “I’m not going anywhere.”  My whole body relaxes.  I fall into His arms.  I am home.  Here in this dark cave in the middle of winter with grief as my companion, I find Joy here too. The darkness is as light with Him; the night is as bright as the day, I am never hidden.

As I allow myself to be held by Light, I awaken to my real life.  I am not hidden alone in winter’s cave held captive by grief.  I am seen by Love and held by Light. 

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