Waiting, waiting, what happens in the waiting?

Waiting for the sun to rise,

waiting for the coffee to brew,

in the waiting we wake up a little.

Waiting, waiting, what happens in the waiting?

Waiting for our bodies to heal,

waiting for our dreams to be real.

In the waiting we meet the Healer,

the Dream Giver.

Waiting, waiting, what happens in the waiting?

Waiting for the clouds to part,

waiting for new life to start.

in the waiting we cultivate faith, trust, patience.

In a culture of right now, we try to bypass the waiting.

We want to skip over that part.

As if waiting is a thing to be avoided at all costs,

as if it is bad or it means something is wrong.

Instead what if waiting is a gift of time,

necessary to grow, heal, restore,

and realize what we most want.

Often in the waiting, we realize what we thought we wanted,

is really not what we wanted at all.

God is not just about quick fixes or temporary solutions.

He loves us too much.

He is about lasting fruit.

Transformation from the inside out.

As we wait, as we abide, our roots grow down deep,

into the soil of His marvelous love.

All of these right now, temporary solutions,

cannot satisfy what our souls truly crave.

We crave God.

We were made in Him, and through Him, and for Him,

and anything less then His fullness will leave us wanting.

Our world needs to see the power of God on display-

this only happens when we are waiting on Him, abiding in Him.

We cannot begin to fathom what God, Holy Spirit,

is doing beneath the surface, when we are waiting in trust,

leaning into Him, with every fiber of our being.

He is growing NEW LIFE, HIS LIFE, in us.

Fruit, lasting fruit- food for all of His children,

to taste and see that He is good,

and to come home to Love everlasting.

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  1. Very lovely Amy. Great read๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐Ÿปโค๏ธ

  2. Maggie Poole Stamper

    Oh Amy, this is just beautiful! Jones told me about your blog. I love reading your testimony. I love what a Jesus is doing through you. I want to bless you with this because you blessed me with these words several years ago.
    Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
    Rising again I bless Your name
    You are my all in all
    When I fall down You pick me up
    When I am dry You fill my cup
    You are my all in all

    Have a beautiful day, Amy!

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