Yesterday marked 1 month since my Grandma went home to Jesus. It’s also coming up on 15 months since we lost my Uncle so suddenly. I miss them both so much. Time goes fast, and life moves on. Partly good, because it helps us keep moving too. But when do we take time to stop and remember, to grieve?

We live in a culture that doesn’t seem to encourage grieving. It appears at the pace the world moves, there’s no time for that. Keep busy. Go go go. Again, sometimes that can be good, helping us put one foot in front of the other. But I’ve also learned the hard way that I can’t run away from my grief.

I continue to learn the value and necessity of grieving, and know that I have to make time for it. No one else will make that time for me. I’ve also learned that I’m not meant to grieve alone. I was made to grieve in community.

I believe God has more of himself that He wants to offer each one of us in our grief. The Bible says, He is near to the broken-hearted, He provides for those who grieve, and He comforts those who mourn. We experience this in community.

We get to choose to remember our loved ones and other things we have lost, and talk about them. 

Today I remember my Mammaw Betty, how she let me help her in the kitchen and taught me how to make gravy, and the importance of family meals ☺️.

I also remember my Uncle Joe, who had the best smile, gave great hugs, and who showed me what generous hospitality looked like.❤️

Can we remember together today and be with each other in our grief? We have all had much loss this year and beyond. Maybe it’s a loved one you’ve lost, a job, a relationship, your health, etc. There is nothing too small or insignificant. There is no right or wrong way to do this. It can be one word. Would you be willing to name something? 

Thank you for being with me.

❤️, Amy

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  1. Thank you for being so transparent and authentic

  2. Love you my child and we cannot every run from grief as I have done in my life it breaks you till you are nothing so take your time share not only with God but others dont ever allow yourself to be overwhelmed reach out enjoy your memories again I love you my beautiful daughter in law and I’m glad I got to be with your mama and your uncle very warm and loving they were to me

  3. I miss my dad.
    I don’t pause to think on it often.
    It’s usually when I slow down that gentle reminders of him grab my attention.
    Last night, I had a dream that we made an impromptu Starbucks run.

    You are right, Amy.
    Grief needs to happen whether we make time for it or not.
    And we are not alone.
    Our people walk with us through our grief.
    You, your family, our church family all walked with me amidst my quiet grief.

    And God meets us in our brokenness, and holds us, and speaks love over us. How sweet is the love our Heavenly Father!

  4. Amy, your words ring in my heart as I grieve the loss of my beloved wife, Mary, about 15 months ago (as you know). Yesterday would have been her 63rd birthday, which make her loss and the grief fresh again. And yet, we have a sure hope in Jesus. Love your heart, sister.

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