Living Table is all about creating safe spaces where many conversations can happen around mental health & wellness. We believe in a world where no one is living in silence or feeling invisible. 

Living Table began in 2019 when I risked being vulnerable and sharing my story of living with depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder with some women in my community. 

I had them over to my table for a meal. Everyone shared about their experiences and no one felt like they needed to explain anything. One of my friends called it the shame free zone and that is exactly what it was. 

Walls of shame and stigma that had held us back or kept us silent were transformed into tables of connection as we each vulnerably shared about our lived experiences.

Living Table is like a ship launching out to sea. Like a lifeline or life preserver. There for you when you are in the deep waters of mental health & wellness. We understand what it is like to feel held under by a diagnosis we never signed up for and that we are struggling to accept.

None of us are meant to live invisible. Each one of us are beautiful beloved human beings longing for connection and to be seen, known, and loved in community. 

When we share our stories together, voices are uplifted and stigma loses its power. 

Will you join me in spreading the HOPE that Mental Health and Wellness is possible for everyone?

You matter. Your story matters. I hope you find the courage to share it.

This is your Living Table. 

With you,


Just a reminder that I am a Certified Peer Counselor and Wellness Recovery Coach. I use my own lived experience of mental health and wellness recovery to walk alongside others in their recovery. I am not a medical Doctor or clinical counselor. I do not attempt to diagnose or prescribe. If you or a loved one needs immediate care please seek out your nearest health care provider or call 911. 

Also be aware that anytime we are talking about mental health any number of topics could trigger our emotions. Please take precautions while listening and seek out support if needed.