I love the beach.

It is one of my most favorite places on earth.

Walking barefoot, toes in the sand, looking for treasures.

It might as well be Christmas morning for me.



I used to look for the whole pretty shells.

The ones completely in tact, no blemish at all.

I’d bring them home and there they would sit in a jar, or in a bag forgotten.

I never really did anything with them.

I’d admire them for a bit, and then set them aside.

I think without even realizing it I was drawn to the whole shells.

Because in my own life I wanted to be that whole shell.

Pretty. Without blemish.  Admirable.


I thought that was what others needed me to be.

Put together.  Happy. Without any problems.

So that’s the part I tried to play.


Until the birth of my first daughter.

Something erupted in me, and I had no idea at the time what was happening to me.

I began to have rapid, out of control thoughts that I couldn’t stop.

I was having trouble eating, trouble sleeping, and just feeling sick most days.

And I was SO scared.


‘What is wrong with me?’ I would question all the time.

And all I knew to do was lock myself in my little half bath in my apartment every morning.

I would cry out to God ‘I don’t know what this is, but whatever it is please take this from me!’

I would read my Bible, pray, and cry.  Every morning. It’s all I knew to do.


And it didn’t seem to do anything.


My health was continuing to grow worse.

But I wouldn’t dare let anyone see me like this.

No way.

My husband is a pastor.

We are leaders in our church.

I’m not supposed to struggle like this.

I don’t see anyone else struggling like this.

There must be something wrong with me.  Very wrong.



I have to hide this.

No one can see what is really going on behind closed doors.

I will force myself to show up.

I will smile.

And I will pretend.  

I can do this.

I will continue to be who I think people need me to be.

Put together.  Happy. Without any problems.

Because they look put together, happy, and without any problems.


So I suffered silently.


Only a few of my family knew at the time some of what I was going through.

Some of the thoughts I told no one, because they were so disturbing.

I began to question my salvation.

Maybe I’m not saved…

And these thoughts were most painful.


If I’m not saved, If I don’t have Jesus, then what?

I have nothing.

I began missing things.

Not showing up.

It became excruciating to be around people.

Trying to hide the fact that a volcano had erupted inside me…

and the lava flow was burning my insides.

Hard to talk about the weather…

And how God is good all the time…


And the “How are you?” question…

Don’t EVEN get me started.


Are you asking me because you REALLY want to know?

Or do you just want me to say ‘I’m good, how are you?’ and move on?


This is where I was living, and it was a painful existence.

Especially not knowing what was going on with me.

I was young and hadn’t a clue.

I just knew I was really sick, and I must have done something wrong to be feeling this way.




There is much to this story…  my journey with mental illness.

I would come to find out it had a name,

it was not  something I caused,

that what I was experiencing was not me,

And there was help.




What I can tell you now is that it was a long time coming,

and many heartaches, failures, and learning since then.

But one day walking along the vast ocean waves,

I was drawn to, no, captivated by all the broken shells.

They were everywhere.

What I had once dismissed, I now stared at, fascinated.

There were stirrings in me that at first I could not explain.

I could relate more with the broken pieces then I ever could the whole shells.


And even more, I had vision for what was broken.

As I began to reach down and pick them up, I saw them becoming something.

Something beautiful and whole.



And that is how this butterfly came to be.

Made out of broken shells and broken driftwood.

I call her Broken Beautiful.

Creating her was very therapeutic for me.

As I glued the broken pieces together I imagined Jesus’s love as the glue

that holds the broken pieces of my life together to make them into something beautiful.


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  1. I’m excited to write in your comment section haha! All of this is so beautiful, Amy! Thank you for taking this leap. I will read it all, friend!

  2. What a poignant and Powerful story of suffering and Victory. Thank you so much for sharing. Your life is a light too many!

  3. So so beautiful to read this. Love your writings. Can’t wait for more.

  4. Amy you did it!!!! You wrote these beautiful, hard, vulnerable, authentic words for people to see and heal along with all of us who struggle!!! I am so happy, proud, excited, and anticipating everything else that will flow from this step and… Just woohoo!!!!! I loved it. Write more please. ❤️

  5. I love you my sweet friend. I’m so proud of you for leaping out in faith to share your story. ((Hugs))

  6. Just me who as always loved you my beautiful daughter-in-law even when I didn’t understand I prayed for you to have some kind of peace within I prayed for you and my son to be able to help and understand and be so very strong. God has blessed all of you and I know he will still be your strength I have no concerns Our Big Beautiful God will be the Head of my special family that I love with all my heart

  7. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  8. Wow! I am SO proud of you, Amy! Your writing is beautiful and captures how depression can feel. I’m just in awe of you right now. I hope you keep writing!

  9. I always knew you were a writer.

  10. I always knew you were a writer. Even back in our Mexico days I saw it. Of course I didn’t know what you would have to experience to bring you to this point. I’m very proud of you my dear sweet friend. I know how hard it is to be exposed but you are doing it beautifully. I love you.

  11. I don’t really know you, but we have a lot of mutual friends which is how I found this. Thank you for being so brave to share your story and struggles and successes. The butterfly is beautiful and I love the story behind it and imagery of the glue. Thank you.

  12. I don’t really know you, but we have a lot of mutual friends which is how I found this. Thank you for being so brave to share your story and struggles and successes. The butterfly is beautiful and I love the story behind it and imagery of the glue. Thank you.

  13. To my daughter who I love and am very proud of.
    From the day in 1981 you were handed to me I have felt the need to protect you it took me a long time to understand the difference between what kind of protection I can give alone and what kind I can when I trust our lord. You are so strong and this is a great example of that.
    We really can do all things………..

  14. You have been used by God to encourage others in so many ways throughout your life. May He bless you for answering the call to be vulnerable in helping others who struggle with depression. Not only that, by sharing your words and your heart, you are teaching all of us to better understand and help others who struggle. Love you, friend!!

  15. So proud of you! Sharing your journey will be so helpful to many others. So glad we recently were able to spend time with all of you. Thank you for sharing with us! So glad you are part of our family! We love you!

  16. So happy that God has not only carried you through to this point, but, given you a ministry to help others. Beautiful writing.

  17. Keep writing! It is beautiful. Reminds me of Heather Funk Palacios. She is a pastor’s wife and walks through similar challenges. She is on FB and has a site at http://wondherful.net/

  18. You are my Gift from above! You are Fearfully and Wonderfully made….a perfect creation of God 🙂 Thank You sooo much for your desire to help others by sharing your beautiful heart!
    I love you!!

  19. You are a gift from the Good Lord to me. As you know, I’m just coming out of that dark hole. Wish you had revealed your depression to me sooner because I totally understand everything you have shared but as for me, only my closest friends know what has been my problem. Thank the Lord I’m better but I understand now it is process. I love you and your precious family so much, always in my prayers!

  20. Diabetics battle their insulin hormone. Many people battle with their Thyroid hormones. When our systems get out of alignment, the suffering can be so overbearing. Depression is no different, however Those who suffer Depression also struggle with Shame & Guilt – which can be so powerful. I am so pleased that you are able to share your beautiful story. It is extremely challenging to get out of our own way when we are suffering, can be overwhelming, even freightening. I am sure your courageousness will help many, but the rewards are many If you help even just “one” …We Love You Amy, Precious Butterfly!!
    …Aunt Toni

  21. Amy, your writing is beautiful! Your story is beautiful! I am so proud of you for answering that still small voice, and bravely sharing your brokenness for His glory.

    We continue to live out a story, with Elliott, that I never would have dreamed God would call us to walk. I thought I felt broken years ago, and yet the breaking continues. I truly believe that these stories of brokenness are meant to be shared, and brought into the light. But oh there are days, when I want to hide from my story, and pretend I have an easier one, a prettier one…and yet that is not the one I was given.

    Hugs and love to you! I miss you and think of you often. You and that sweet little babe of your are welcome to show up on my doorstep for coffee, ANYTIME!


  22. so so beautiful, Amy! thank you for sharing 🙂

  23. I love this! I love the idea! I love the honesty I love the voice. I love the butterfly and I love how God used it all of it💕

  24. Amy your writing is beautiful, your story as give me hope in life,i am so proud of you,you are a gift from God,
    You are fearfully and wonderfully made,
    Happy that God has not only carried you through to this point as given you aministry to help others,may God bless you abundantly,Amy

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