What do you do when you’re barely making it?

When it feels like you are crawling along trying to keep your head above water?

What do you do when your heart is broken and the hurt and sadness feels like a ton of bricks on your chest?

What do you do when you just want to go home, but it’s not time to go home yet?

Lean on the Everlasting Arms

This hurts God, so bad.

I am here.  I am with you.  I love you.

That is hard to hear right now God, it’s hard to receive.  But in the core of my being I know that it’s true- I can’t shake it.  I know that I am loved and I know that you are with me. But this doesn’t feel like love.  It feels cruel, and awful, and painful.

I imagine that the cross didn’t feel like love, did it Jesus?

Such a cruel way to die.

Unimaginably awful and painful.

But it is the greatest symbol of love this world has ever known.

How did you say yes Jesus…How did you walk in obedience knowing all that you would suffer and for a people that would reject you…how did you do it?

By the strength of My Father and His power at work in Me.  

I did it for you. 

I did it so that My Father, I, and the Holy Spirit could have a relationship with you because WE LOVE YOU more than you could ever imagine or comprehend.

Death in the world’s eyes and ways equals death.

Death in My Kingdom equals LIFE, LIFE, and MORE LIFE, 

more than you could ever possibly imagine.

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  1. Amen Amen Amen!!!

  2. Some of the best…most authentic. When all you can do is stand…then stand…brwathe… stand…be fortified iin His Presence

  3. Jesus came to show us how to build a community of love and then walked that lonely road to Calvary. He knew that we would experience difficult times and our community of love should be surrounding us with the love of Christ during those times. Lean in and accept the love that is out there just waiting to be given. God will be with you in them for they are your priests. I know that you will be a blessing to them as well.

  4. I am going through a “bricks on my chest” season, too, and I must be intentional to push the fear and anxiety away and keep my eyes, heart, and mind focused on Him, His provision, and His plan and timing. No one said it would be easy, and BOY, were they right!!!!! But faith – the VERB kinda faith- is my lifeline and my anchor. I choose to believe! Thank you for sharing your heart! ❤️❤️

  5. Amy, I loved The Rhythm of Remembrance. The first quotes that came to my mind: Memories of old times are painful pleasures (a perfect example of an oxymoron) I know exactly what you are talking about. Depression, I had to get to the end of myself before I could figure out how to live (that’s all I’ll say about that) The depression does that and don’t let anyone tell you differently. I fight battles daily but without the promises of God I couldn’t make it. The sting of death has been defeated through the blood of Jesus’ Amazing Grace. The older I get the more I Trust in His perfect Grace.

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